Dedicated Seminars

One of CKC’s senior Seminar Instructor will work with you to plan and execute a course held at your facility to fit your specific and unique requirements.


We tailor the length and content of courses to meet specialized needs that vary from specific product designs. You have the advantages of the seminar being tailored for you as well as the cost savings inherent in the in-house presentation. There is no travel time for your personnel and no hotel or per diem costs.

We can set up a curriculum schedule for the seminars so that your busy personnel need only attend that part of the seminar which deals with their particular area of interest. In this way, mechanical engineers, packaging engineers, layout draftsmen, project engineers, project managers, and others can be scheduled for specific parts of the seminar program.

You can videotape the seminar for future use. Some of our clients prefer to schedule the seminar in a nearby hotel to avoid interruptions.

To receive a quote for an In-House seminar, please contact a Service Advisor at (800) 500-4362 or complete the Online Quote Request Form.

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