About CKC Labs
Company Profile
Founded in 1973, CKC Laboratories offers customer centered EMC testing, EMI Testing and EMC Design Engineering services. Our customer service oriented laboratory staff is composed of technically expert EMC engineers and technicians. Our facilities employ a wide variety of proven and reliable test equipment, providing you with accurate repeatable test results. CKC also offers one of the broadest accreditation scopes in the industry, allowing our customers to test a multitude of product types for the Global marketplace.

At CKC Laboratories, Inc, our ultimate goal is to establish long term, trust-based relationships with our clients. Our passion is to provide clients with first-class EMC services. As such, we work tirelessly to gain lasting customer loyalty.

CKC Today
In 2004, an untimely death took Chris Kendall, CKC’s founder and President. Chris left us with a legacy of absolute dedication to meeting clients’ needs. The familiar scene of Chris working late, sleeves rolled-up, tackling a difficult problem is a service benchmark we measure ourselves against every day. Chris’ unwavering commitment to meet clients’ needs is perpetuated today by the leadership and staff of CKC Laboratories.
What truly sets CKC apart from other EMC laboratories? Our Principles. Our People. Our Facilities.
Our tireless dedication to meeting our clients’ needs is demonstrated most clearly by our actions. Since 2005, we have invested millions into testing capabilities required by our clients. Additionally, each year, CKC engineers go above and beyond what is asked of them by management, working thousands of hours, after hours, to assist our clients to meet marketing deadlines. certification needs.